We offer a full package of care related training including all Health and safety and leadership components. We can also provide bespoke, tailored training to meet any specific support needs you may have. Please drop us an email , enquiry or a call.


Mandatory training With Aims & Objectives


Health and safety   (Full day inc. COSHH or ½ day update)

Brief history of health and safety law

Overview of current legislation

Risk assessment an ergonomics                                                          

Maintaining safe environment and equipment

Accidents and near misses


COSHH (Half day)

Overview of COSHH and CHIP regs

Responsibilities of employer/employees

Hazards-types and risk assessment

Handling and PPE

Reporting and recording


Safeguarding of adults at risk (full day and ½ day update)

Groups A-C 




All Wales safeguarding procedures

What is abuse?

Understanding Types and signs of abuse

What to do under local and internal policy and procedure

What not to do

How to minimise the risk of abuse

Duty to report

MCA & DOLS (full day)


Safe administration of medication  (½ day)

Role of designated person

Assessing competence

Self-medicating, prompting and administering

Safe and secure storage

Types and common side effects of medication

Control drugs

Over the counter remedies

Returning/disposing of medication

Recording and auditing systems

Secondary dispensing


Manual handling  (a-b ½ day or part of 2 day passport)

For all: modules A-B

Current legislation

Risk assessment-TILE



Injuries- types and causes

Safe and unsafe practice

Practice under supervision, lifting inanimate load


All Wales passport Moving and handling (C-F day two of passport or 1 day update) 

Factors to consider when moving a person

Client handling risk assessment

Practice under supervision of:

Assisted standing, sitting and walking

Bed mobility

Handling a Fallen / Falling/ Collapsed Person 



Food Hygiene level 2 (full day)


Hazards and controls

Types of Contamination

Personal hygiene

Temperature control

Using a thermometer

Labelling foods

Cleaning and disinfection

Pest control


Fire Awareness  (1/2 day)


Fire Triangle/Pyramid

Fire Prevention

Fire Spread

Fire Risk Assessing (Practical)


Horizontal and Vertical Evacuation


Infection control  (1/2 day)

Define infection control

Understand the chain of infection

List the different infectious agents

Describe modes of transmission

Describe effective hand hygiene

List and describe some common infectious diseases


Dignity in dementia   (Full day)  Or  any two units for half day

Understanding dementia

Communication with a person with dementia

Malignant social psychology

Dealing with behaviours that challenge


MCA/DOLS for senior staff , general care staff units 1,2,4 and briefing on 3,5,6,

1) Introduction to mental capacity act 2005

2) Assessing capacity

3) Planning in advance

4) Restraint and deprivation of liberty

5) IMCA court of protection and public guardian

6) Sharing information research and review of learning


Course objectives for the following courses are available on request:

Full and half day courses  

Emergency First aid at work  

Management development inc:

  • Team building
  • Team Leader
  • Mentoring
  • Conflict management
  • Leadership
  • Managing others
  • Interviewing skills
  • Coaching
  • Presentation skills
  • supervision and appraisal 
  • Managing change 
  • Time management 

Risk Assessment

Food hygiene level 1 for care staff

Fire evacuation

Assisted eating and drinking

Nutrition and Hydration

Appointed person first aid

AWIF induction framework and the code of practice

Supervision and appraisal 

Report writing and care planning

Person centred care and key worker training

Mental health awareness

Mental health first aid

Understanding personality disorders

Schizophrenia awareness

Learning disability awareness

Autism and Aspersers 


Clinical Training


Airway Management 

Catastrophic bleeding management

Wound & skin care

Enteral feeding

O2 therapy


Stoma care

Diabetes and insulin

Blood glucose monitoring

Stroke awareness

Diabetes awareness

Epilepsy awareness

Venepuncture CPD update 

Catherter care 

Dysphasia and IDDSI

Palliative Care/ End of life 

Spinal Injury Awareness 


2 day courses

Safeguarding Level 3

3 Day Courses   

Food hygiene level 3

First aid at work

5 Day Courses

Care induction training weeks can be facilitated on site or off site and priced for the week or per person , both include Health & Safety , COSHH, infection control ,food level 1 , Dignity in dementia, safeguarding ,MCA & DOLS, safe admin of meds and people handling (2Day)  


The majority of our sessions can be accredited to an awarding body such as Qualsafe, if required, at an additional cost of between £8 and £20 per person per course

Face To Face Course List
PDF – 120.5 KB 860 downloads

Our other services 

Health and safety management , advice and a wide range of audits, assessments and support in:

  • Kitchen and HACCAP 
  • Water and legionella support 
  • Fire assessment and control 
  • Infection Prevention 
  • Safeguarding 
  • Service provision and quality 
  • Policy and procedure 
  • Leadership and management 
  • Communication 
  • Stress and emotional well-being